Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, April 4, 2024
Jesus, Cleanse Me from Arrogance, from Pride. Glory Be…
Message from Lucia of Fatima to the Holy Trinity Love Group during a Prayer Meeting on Facebook of March 28, 2024

Brothers, sisters, Our Lord is before each one of you, lower your head, but not the physical one, with your eyes you have to look at Him on that Cross, and with your heart you have to lower your head, that is your pride, you don't even realize how proud man can be. Man does not know that he is, precisely because of the arrogance that lives in every man, but it can be fought with prayer and with humility, and with love, with faith, everything that is bad can be turned into good, for those who want nothing is impossible for Our Lord. Therefore brothers, therefore sisters, try to understand that man on earth without the grace of Our Lord is nothing, he is easily carried away by lies, by wickedness, by vices, the deadly ones, many of these lead souls to eternal death, and all this man does not see, because he only looks with human eyes, look further, especially within yourselves, there you will find every answer.
Brothers, sisters, I have lived many years in this world, I have learned about it, although I was closed, I was surrounded by the world. How many things you do not know. Some things I tell you, to give you the courage and strength not to be deceived by the world, the artificial world, because all that has created Our Lord does not hurt, neither soul nor body, but all this is ignored. Science, the wise, have gone beyond the enlightenments of the Holy Spirit, being persuaded by thoughts and wisdom that He did not give them Our Lord, man has preferred to enrich himself with power, with satisfaction, with exaltation, man loves success, man loves fame, man pursues fashion, the perverted one, against the nature of Our Lord, violating the laws. I locked up in a convent have learned much more than those who travel the world, to discover and enrich themselves.
Brothers, sisters, today whoever wants to will take a bath in humility, take a small vessel to dip your hands in, fill it with water and meanwhile praise Jesus. Brothers, sisters, with Jacinta and Francisco I experienced good and bad times, but We together were a force, I used to go to the fields alone and longed for THEIR company, but THEY were very small, I waited and then THEIR parents gave them permission to come with ME. We were joyful, finally we could play together, but mostly we could work together, because it was not easy, the dangers were there, and I had to look after Them, but Their presence made Me feel stronger, I never told Them this. Jacinta was often very arrogant, but at the same time she became very sweet, Francisco was often stubborn, and would not listen to Me, but His stubbornness lasted only a few seconds, and He knew how to always apologize, this was Our world. At the convent I learned that there was more to it, much more serious than the mistakes that Jacinta and Francisco made, there I discovered that man was made differently, true stubbornness was another, true arrogance was another, and in discovering true mistakes I learned to pray.
Let's all pray together now:
Jesus, cleanse me from arrogance, from pride. Glory be...
Whoever recognizes that he has these defects, let him dip his hands in the vessel, and wash his face. Whoever believes he has these faults should come here alone.
Jesus, from the arrogance and indifference to Your love, cleanse me.
He who acknowledges that he has these weaknesses, wash his face. Glory be...
Jesus, from disorder and falsehood free my heart.
Whoever recognizes that he often lives by these moments of disorder, wash his face.
Jesus, from carnal passions and worldly desires deliver my heart.
Whoever recognizes that he experiences many moments of these temptations, wash his face. Glory be...
From lack of charity, from lack of mercy, heal me Jesus. Glory be...
Whoever recognizes that he needs this healing, wash his face.
One day in the convent I said to all My sisters: sisters, I know that you would not agree to wash one another's feet, as Our Lord did with His Apostles, but would you participate in washing your face, as a symbol of faith, of humility, toward Our Lord, many of them adhered, but some mocked Me, but those who adhered after doing so were joyful, and every one of them received signs from Our Lord.
Brothers, sisters, those who did this deed in faith and humility will have signs upon themselves, your soul will draw closer to Our Lord, your thoughts will be turned much more toward Our Lord, your change depends on each of you.
Brothers, sisters, remember that man thinks he is humble, but he is not, he is who does not know he is humble. Ask forgiveness every day, because mistakes are always made, voluntary and involuntary. My life has been a continuous asking for forgiveness from Our Lord, in the morning I would wake up and ask for forgiveness, during the day I would ask for forgiveness continuously, in the evening before sleeping I would ask for forgiveness. The forgiveness you ask from Our Lord is never enough. Our Lady desires to have you arrive purified in Heaven, listen to Her advice. Now open your arms toward Our Lord, He wishes to give you a special blessing, He will make His hand feel on your head.
Many of you feel a fresh feeling on your face. Brothers, sisters, I must go. I was happy to pray together with you. Jacinta and Francisco were always present, and they prayed together with Us. Our Lord and Our Lady will soon give Me permission to return among you, but with Me I will bring surprises. Our Lord and Our Lady bless Us all, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Our Lady is with Me and with you.